Posted On Nov 02, 2023

  1. Create a Budget: Tracking income and expenses is a simple and effective way to know where your money is going.
  2. Opt for Debit, Not Credit: Using your own funds rather than borrowing through credit allows you to stay on budget.
  3. Embrace Staycations: Enjoy R&R without leaving your local area. Some of my best vacations were right at home!
  4. Meal Planning: Plan weekly meals, shop with precision and make use of leftovers so you don't overbuy and waste food.
  5. Avoid Impulse Purchases: Take a "cooling-off" period before purchases.
  6. Review and Negotiate Bills: Contact service providers and insurance policies to see if you can cut costs.
  7. Refinance Your Mortgage: Explore opportunities to reduce your payments and lighten your financial burden. 
Danny Bell, AMP
Mortgage Broker | Lic.#M13001996
C. 289-200-9061
T. 905-426-4200
The Mortgage Centre Ltd. | Est. 1993
Reg. #10231