Posted On Oct 23, 2023

Do you or someone you know have a mortgage coming up for renewal in the next 6 months?
Here are benefits of acting early: 
  1. We can secure a new rate 4 months before your renewal
  2. Acting ahead lets you plan options carefully 
  3. If rates rise, we'll have your low rate secured. If rates drop, we'll get the lower rate
  4. Your current lender typically offers new rates 2 months before your renewal. If rates rise before, you may lose on potential savings.
  5. If your lender offers a better option, we'll cancel my file at no cost to you!  

If you have important financial plans coming up, such as reno's, growing your family, changing jobs, buying another property, or consolidating debts, we can talk through those scenarios to plan for your renewal.

Danny Bell, AMP
Mortgage Broker | Lic.#M13001996
C. 289-200-9061
T. 905-426-4200
The Mortgage Centre Ltd. | Est. 1993
Reg. #10231